Judit Halász
Pihenés, mint immunerősítés
Manapság többször felmerül bennünk a kérdés: "De hogy kell pihenni? Én már nem is tudom, folyton annyi a tennivaló." A rohanó életmód, a grinding kultúra és túlhajszoltság kezdett az alapbeállításunk lenni, de a szervezetünk sokszor nem bírja azt a tempót, amit...
Hiszek a Thai Masszázs gyógyító erejében
Sokféle terápiát és masszázst kipróbáltam az évek során, mégis a Thai masszázst találtam az egyik leghatékonyabbnak. Eredetileg Ayurvédikus masszázs tanfolyamra iratkoztam fel az első utam alkalmával Indiába, azonban amikor megérkeztem, rossz benyomásom volt a helyről...
Reziliencia, mint a kiégés utáni megküzdési stratégiák a jóga tükrében
Akkor érezzük, hogy milyen mélységeket jártunk be az életünk egy időszakában, amikor már tovább tudtunk lépni. Az elmúlt hetekben érzem így, hogy egy 6 éves időszakot zárok magam mögött és adok teret a jelennek és kíváncsian figyelem a jövő lehetőségeit. Nagy...
Gyökeret verni egy új városban
Csak az tudja milyen új városba előlről kezdeni mindent, aki már próbálta. Nagyon sok türelem, alázat és kitartás szükséges ahhoz, hogy újraépítsük az életünket és magunkat. Van úgy, hogy érezzük, hogy váltanánk, de félünk az ismeretlentől, ezért maradunk ahol...
Olyan ez az időszak, mintha megérkeztünk volna az alagút túloldalára, amiben voltunk az utóbbi években. Óriási harcokat vívtunk mindannyian, magunkkal és kollektívan is. Valóban elfáradtunk ebben a fényre jutásban a sötétségből és már nincs visszaút a régi jól bevett...
Transforming Trauma
Many of us had traumas during these past 1.5 years. Yet, we are strong enough to transform these energies into love, strength and compassion. We can ask for help to do this and we all feel this in our subconscious. We can move forward when all of us will feel well....
Escape from Paradise
Freedom of speech is a basic human right. That I haven't had in the past month. I had high hopes and received many empty promises about my collaboration in Spain. Is it a failure when you leave an extremely toxic, abusive environment rather than feed into anger and...
Retreat or Community
For many years I was keen to collaborate with yoga retreat centres in Europe and it just didn't happen. Then I realised I prefer building community, it's more fulfilling to me to see the improvements of my students and their curiosity to share the experiences and...
The healing power of Love
Love as self-love, Universal love, love for the family and friends, love for the people around us, love for our passion. There's a huge amount of fear and uncertainty all around and we locked our emotions away, that is normal after a great shock. Now is the perfect...
Rebuilding Community
After so much grief and isolation, it is time to rebuild. It feels scary and exciting at the same time. In our heart, we know that we’re all connected and there are important values beyond money and status. Let’s celebrate life and appreciate friendships, connections,...
It is indeed the darkest before the dawn. But when the sun shines again we will awaken stronger and lighter than before. It's been a long and lonely journey, a kind of transformation if you will. We cleared all the stagnant energies, all that are no longer serving us,...
Devotion. Perseverance. Respect. Patience
Traditionally in India, the guru gave the postures one by one to the students when they mastered the previous one when they were ready. There's so much respect between students and masters in the east and we want to rush so much in the west and change one teacher for...
Online Yoga classes in the digital world
Many people have been asking me about the Online Yoga classes and how they went? Well, they are still running and it has been a greater success than I could ever imagine! I need to add a little background story here. My family lives in 3 different countries and we...
Beat the winter blues
How could you beat the winter blues instead of surviving the cold and dark months in the warm and cosy house? Of course, we need more relaxation during winter, it’s essential to follow a healthy diet, walk in nature and fill up your iron and vitamins. It’s a great...
You’re so ‘lucky’ to do what you love
I get this so often from people around me. Yes, I’m really lucky to do what I love and love what I do, indeed. But…I consciously chose to make little steps over the past 5-10 years to do what I do today and it requires quite a lot of commitment, perseverance and...
Courage and vulnerability
1 year ago I thought that it will be easy to build up my classes again from scratch in another country, my country, after living abroad for 9 years. I believe that I have useful knowledge and experience and I am keen to share it with everyone who is interested in...
Mysore Magic
I have recently spent 2 months in Mysore and it's been a very deep experience, as always. Both India and Mysore are truly magical places and the more I learn about Ashtanga Yoga, the more I feel there's so much more to learn and experience. My main focus was on...
Inner Harmony and Balance
For a long time, my goal is to find harmony and balance in life. I thought if I reduce stress and avoid rushing around, stay away from stressful situations, I will find peace. These days it seems to me, that it's more important to speak my truth, walk my path, act...
Love letter to myself
Many times, deep thoughts come to me during my yoga practice, it's so interesting! Today I felt I went through a micro realisation whilst of course, I was concentrating on my breathing! I've just realised that my life and personality have changed so much in the last...
Fighting the ego
Probably it's my martial arts background that I always want to fight with my ego when I practice. I like to enter a space for spiritual practice with my ego left at the door and open my heart and mind for the teaching. In the western culture, we often wear a mask to...
Patience, the best quality of a yogi
Sometimes I see beginners struggling who just recently started yoga and they would like to master all the postures on the first class and feel frustrated if can't perform everything perfectly. Yoga is a slow, deep transition, changing the body, the muscle memory, the...
Sweet harmony in the practice
I find it's important to build a self-practice in Ashtanga Yoga, so you can take it with you, wherever you are. And you can do your own practice when you don't have time to attend a class. Also, it's important to have a teacher, who can guide you to remain a...
I do believe in Thai Massage
I have tried so many different therapies and massages, yet, Thai Massage felt the most effective for me. So I was honoured to have the opportunity and join various training and learn how to give this amazing healing art. It's different from the western approach of...
Ashtanga Yoga- The journey within
What does Ashtanga Yoga mean to me? I practised Hatha Yoga and martial arts for several years and when I found Ashtanga Yoga I fell in love straight away. Many people find it challenging, others just love it. I'm not saying it's the best and only, everyone needs to...