Judit Halász

Escape from Paradise

Freedom of speech is a basic human right. That I haven’t had in the past month.

I had high hopes and received many empty promises about my collaboration in Spain.

Is it a failure when you leave an extremely toxic, abusive environment rather than feed into anger and give your energy to a cause that doesn’t feel right? I rather feel it’s courage to say no when you realize the truth and want to leave with dignity.

Failure and success can be really different for everyone. I personally don’t believe in tricking people to get more money from them and achieve a high number of followers on social media, when the reality is really rotten and people are being used for the cause without compassion or love.

Yes, I have learnt a lot during this past month and I appreciate and love myself enough to know this is not the kind of business I would like to dedicate my time and energy to.

Is there a wholehearted path to build business between women without ego fights and judgement?

Haven’t we suffered enough during the past year to treat each other like one of us is superior to the other?

Is there a way to build a healthy community where we can work in harmony?

I still believe we can.








+36 70 553 5445


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