It is indeed the darkest before the dawn. But when the sun shines again we will awaken stronger and lighter than before. It’s been a long and lonely journey, a kind of transformation if you will. We cleared all the stagnant energies, all that are no longer serving us, the relationships that are not nourishing. And we’re stepping into our true power, and feel that we’re all connected and heart- centred.
If you could add to the greater good what intentions would you have? How would you behave and interact? How would you vibrate and speak?
What if this is the right time, don’t need to wait any longer? We’re shaping our local community and affecting the global whole. Every single one of us is part of the collective consciousness.
So let’s elevate that vibration! Let’s be kind to each other! Let’s be generous to and patient with each other! Let’s focus on the present moment!