Judit Halász

Love letter to myself

Many times, deep thoughts come to me during my yoga practice, it’s so interesting!

Today I felt I went through a micro realisation whilst of course, I was concentrating on my breathing!

I’ve just realised that my life and personality have changed so much in the last 13 years, the places I lived, the friends and people around me. The only constant was my yoga practice.

That’s how I could accept changes, root myself down and stay open for the opportunities.

I grew from the inside out, like a tree.

I used to be really shy and quiet, then I started to work with people and rather became curious about them.

There are so many inspiring and interesting people out there!

I always liked the energies I generated with my chi kung, kung-fu, meditation, tai-chi and yoga practice, the continuous practice and studies were really important to me.

These dedicated practices are slowly helping with self-realization and I’m ready to share the light with others.

Every day I overcome my limits and fears, my mind becomes clear and calm, and I started to understand the purpose of my inner journey.

It still requires hard work and dedication, but I believe in myself!

This year was full of challenges and I understand, was all for a good reason.

I felt I’m in the middle of a storm and want to run away as I did before. This time I knew I have to root myself down and face whatever comes, I concentrated on my practice and teaching. I did lots of work on myself and challenged my limits, let fear and judgement go, I was constantly out of my comfort zone.

The storm is slowly over and I became stronger and more motivated than ever.

Every change is for a reason and it’s full of new opportunities.

Life is full of potentials and the real nature of people is Love.

I am fortunate and happy to live my dreams and grateful for the lots of support on the way.

Change is the only constant.


(I bow to the Divine in you)








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